
God’s Grace, Our Guru’s Advice, And Our Responsibilities As Hindus

We have the immense blessings of our Guruji who preached that we should not trouble anyone for donations to run this Gurukulam. He told us that we should teach the Vedas and Shastras selflessly with great effort and faith, and that funds will automatically flow in with the grace of Sri Veda Vyasa Bhavan and His prerana to sajjanas to help Trayee Vidya Gurukulam sustain and grow.

The Lord Himself conducts dharmic work residing in all our hearts, as He did during the tough years of the Coronavirus lockdown when Trayee Vidya Gurukulam was kept alive. We request you to donate generously to this noble service and help us in our efforts to save our heritage and be worthy of God’s grace.

yasyakoShThagatamchaannam vedaabhyaasenajeeryati |
Sataarayatidaataaram dashapoorvaan dashaaparaan ||

यस्यकोष्ठगतं चान्नं वेदाभ्यासेन जीर्यति |
सतारयति दातारं दशपूर्वान् दशापारान् ||

The merit of almsgiving to students studying the Vedas saves the giver, his 10 generations of ancestors, and 10 generations of descendants to come – SkandaPurana (4-40-97).

Seva Opportunities
Sri Trayee Vidya Gurukulam invites you to contribute in any way that you and your family are able to support our vidyarthis and their Veda and Shastra learning at our different locations. Several seva options are provided for your convenience:
Any day of your choice –
wedding anniversary, birthday, ceremony, etc.

One day’s meals for all vidyarthis in your choice of Gurukula location.

Rs. 5,000

Veda Poshana
Daily dana contributed 1 month or 1 year at a time.

Rs. 300 (every month) or Rs. 3600 (every year).

Vidyarthi Poshana
Monthly support for one vidyarthi till course completion, contributed 1 month at a time.

Rs. 5000 (every month).

Please schedule a recurring
payment using a convenient method.

Sashwata Vidyarti Poshana
Support for one vidyarthi till course completion, contributed

1 year, 6 years, or 15 years at a time.

Rs. 60,000 or Rs. 3,60,000 or Rs. 9,00,000.
Veda Abhivruddhi
Support for 1 Gurukulam location’s expenses for 1 month.

Rs. 4,00,000.
Nirantara Veda Poshana
Commitment to contribute any fixed amount every month

as much as you can even Rs. 2000 or Rs.1000 or Rs. 500,

Rs.100 will be of great service to our Gurukulam.